Whilst I have been absent from my blogging, I have been far from absent with my crafting, over christmas, managed to make all sorts of knitted and crocheted bits for family and friends, more of which later.
On mumsnet, that hallowed website where mums judge each others lifestyle choices, sorry I meant support each other ;-), there is a busy corner named the arts and crafts section, which boasts the nicest bunch of mners you are ever likely to meet. In the general spirit of bonhomie which occurs on this corner of the site, one of the arts and crafts ladies decided to set up a craft swap, swappees were decided by lottery and there was a theme, although I didn't, in true rebellious spirit, stick to it and I couldn't think of anything suitably 'Easter'.
Knowing my swap partner is a keen and talented softee maker and knowing she does so with bare hands, rather than machine, made me think she may like a pin cushion. So voila!
I used the pattern from last months issue of Knit Today and although I had a bit of a wrestle with the top icing, due to the stuffing, which led to a few stitches being looser than I would have liked, I'm fairly chuffed with it. Well I was until darling husband said it reminded him of a breast!
I crocheted a bag to put it in with some stash wool and bought a metre of ribbon from the local market to top it off with. Hope you like it GM!
On mumsnet, that hallowed website where mums judge each others lifestyle choices, sorry I meant support each other ;-), there is a busy corner named the arts and crafts section, which boasts the nicest bunch of mners you are ever likely to meet. In the general spirit of bonhomie which occurs on this corner of the site, one of the arts and crafts ladies decided to set up a craft swap, swappees were decided by lottery and there was a theme, although I didn't, in true rebellious spirit, stick to it and I couldn't think of anything suitably 'Easter'.
Knowing my swap partner is a keen and talented softee maker and knowing she does so with bare hands, rather than machine, made me think she may like a pin cushion. So voila!
I used the pattern from last months issue of Knit Today and although I had a bit of a wrestle with the top icing, due to the stuffing, which led to a few stitches being looser than I would have liked, I'm fairly chuffed with it. Well I was until darling husband said it reminded him of a breast!
I crocheted a bag to put it in with some stash wool and bought a metre of ribbon from the local market to top it off with. Hope you like it GM!